jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

It was 1997, april the 30th. I'll never forget it. That was the day I decided I was going to become a comic book artist. That never happened, but the memories that I built that day still feel pure and make me feel so, so happy.

When I came into the MeCyF Mexico's greatest comic book convention ever,  I was overwhelmed, there were superheroes everywhere, and toys and comics and people like me, jajajaja.

As I was walking into Mexico's WTC they handed me a copy of Spawn, issue 1. I was a Batman purist at that time, and I worshiped DC comics, so Spawn meant nothing to me at that time. My greatest regret, Todd McFarlane was there, and I didn't knew who he was so...I never met him. Sorry for that @Todd_McFarlane. Anyway, I arrived home, read my Spawn comic, and at the very back of it there was Todd's Bio. I read it and fell in love with the man, his ideals, and obviously of Spawn. Batman was temporarily forgotten and Spawn took charge of my comic book shelf, and I also started drawing, and drawing, and drawing 24/7. I kept that Spawn comic book like if it was gold. And then I thought...could I still find it in english?

It took me almost ten years to find an edition of Spawn 1 here in Mexico that didn't  affect my economy.  And for $280.00mxp that's about $26.00usd I got it.

Once I looked at them side by side, I noticed the differences between them, I mean besides the mexican one saying "Commemorative edition to Todd McFarlanes visit to Mexico" the coloring of the title is different so is the back cover Mexican edition has a Pin-up by George Perez, the American has advertising. Mexican issue one has Todd's Biography which was published in the following ten issues. Issue 10 in Mexico is different from the american one. And I have both. But that's another story. For another time's blog. Don't miss @ThePrincessCast

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

My 1006

I read my first comic book around the year 1993. It was the very first appearance of Tim Drake as Robin, when he saves Batman from the Scarecrow. I will never forget that issue, an issue which I lost, but I was able to recover last year, in english. It's been a long time since that 1993. And even though I consider myself a comic book reader, I'm not a very constant comic book buyer. My first comic was bought in 1993, I reached 100 comics maybe in 1996, and yesterday, after 19 years of collecting comics I reached 1000 comic books in my collection. But in time I realized is not about how many comics you can get, but how many good stories you complete, it's also about the pencilers, the writers, it's not just to collect comics just because you can.

So, looking inside my 1006 ( the precise number is 1006 YEAH!!!) comic book collection, I looked back on what that collection means to me, and how every single issue I own has a different story than the one published in it. And came to the conclusion that out of my 1006 comics, (feels good to say it) I have maybe 20 or 30 Great comics, first issues, or even real treasures like the one I'm going to talk to you about...

The Amazing Spider-Man #1 a Pocket books edition from 1980. Is not in perfect conditions, but it's in good ones.  The stories in this comic are great. Doc Oc is dating aunt May, and Dr. Doom fights against Spidey. But that is not the reason why I treasure this comic. My oldest brother Charles was a comic book collector too (later on I'll publish the tragic history of my brothers collection). And my brother bought this comic in L.A. in the 1980's. He kept it since then until 1997. That year my brother got married, and while he was cleaning his room he showed me A mint conditions 1983 Kenner Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, and this comic book. and he said to me. I know you'll treasure them with your life. As you can see, I still have the comic book, and yes, I still have Luke Skywalker, I actually have  the 1983 and the 1997 Jedi Knights. This comic I'll keep forever because it's story is great.