domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Just 180 comics more t reach 1000

So, I keep on with my countdown for the big 1000. I don't have pics of my comics this time so, I'll be fast today.

The last comic I added was number 814, issue 815th was the Angela miniseries TPB, it's a reissue here in Mexico, it was printed originally in 1998, 1994 in the States. Mundo Vid, the editorial house that publishes comics in Mexico, resale the Angela TPB this month, with five more issues, Medieval Witchblade (816) Tales of the Darkness 1-4, but, I already had Tales of the Darkness 1, so I am only adding to my collection Tales of the Darkness 2-4 (817-819)

Since last April, Marvel Mexico printed in spanish the second arrival comic book, published last year in the States. We are now at issue 10, which is issue 820 in my collection.

You should know, just as a general knowledge comment, that since 1992 until 2005 Grupo Editorial Vid, printed every single comic book published by Marvel, Dc and Image in Mexico City, 1997 was the boom for comics and Mangas in the country, just outside my junior high school, was a newsstand where I was able to buy any amount of comics in 1997 like clock I knew that on wednesdays Spawn would be waiting for me there, just as the Cataclysm and Aftershock Batman issues, or The Onslaught saga, The Marvel vs DC which became Amalgam all those stories were published in Mexico in 1997.

By 1998, That same newsstand was selling a Manga called Video Girl drawn by Masakazu Katsura, but, no more Batmans, just Spawn and Marvel, any Marvel issue. But Not the way it used to be, because I wasn't able to find Spawn every wednesday, some times, i had to wait two weeks to get two issues, or even three weeks to get just one. missing two or three issues.
Then I entered High school, and there were no newsstands near, the only way I could get comics was at conventions. And I lost track of a lot of issues, by 2000, I was lost in the comic book world, the newsstand at my old junior high-school no longer sells comics, I kept buying Spawn, but at that time, my collection skipped from issue 30 to 35, then 35 up to 40, and so on, I was able to get issues 94 to 102 of Spawn in 2002 but then, again I started missing them. On 2005 things were bad for comics in Mexico, Vid was not selling Marvel comics anymore, they were left at newsstands all over the country. so Marvel finished his contract with Vid, and in a period of six months, every single issue of Marvel had to be taken out of Vid's stores. Thousands of issues needed to be sold, so, they started giving them away, Buy one Marvel comic and take two for free. I learned about that sale the last week of it and I only had $20.00 pesos on my pocket, I purchased a TPB of the Night Gwen Stacy Died, and got for free a Spawn, and another Spider man, I don't recall which one, I had the Night Gwen Stacy died...
After that Marvel started being sold under their own editorial house, Marvel Mexico, with the support of a mexican tv channel called Televisa (like abc,cbs,or tbs). The comics are cheap, the paper...mñña could be better, Vid had a great quality paper for comics, specially Spawns, woow, but, when the comic book boom ended, the quality of the comics lowered a lot.

Let's see if with the premiers of Captain America, Green Lantern, and the Mexican Conventions Comicon and ComicsMx the comic book industry has a year like the 1997-1998 we had, so long ago.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011


I just re tweeted a comment about the cinemas in Mexico, we have 3 big companies back here Cinépolis, Cinemex and Cinemark. In that order they are the big three. And Cinépolis has the greatest VIP'S Theaters. Which make me remember of the first movie I watch on a VIP room Star Wars Episode Three back in 2005.

That week was the greatest to me because I was invited to the official premier two days before opening date, it was awesome, the date was at 8:00pm. That morning I went to college as usual, and my friends were asking me, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the movies, you know, getting in line for the movie...I was like, It's 8:00am, the movie will start in twelve hours, yeah right, i went home, grabbed my lightsaber and arrived at the movie complex at 6pm, yes!!!! 30, maybe 35 people in line, I'm the coolest....yeah right....Loooser, a guy walked towards me and said, excuse me the line continues outside the cinema ...

Ok, How bad could it be? It was bad, the line actually circled the whole block, I actually walked around the building three times, to get a spot, when I did, someone said that people had arrived from the mexican state of Guadalajara (Home of Tequila) at 7:00 am, apparently they rented three buses to get to the screening. So I spent two hours outside on the street sorrounded by geeky guys dressed like Jedi, and....oh wait, thats the cool part, I was surrounded by thousands of Jegi Knights, and little kids dressed as Darth Vader, for two whole hours, Mexico became Coruscant, and i was a Jedi, everybody was chatting, comparing lightsabers, waiting for that epic moment to come true. At 8:00pm we were all inside the cinema, popcorn and lightsaber in hand, then it started the 20th century fox theme, then a brief moment of silence and if we had thought of it, we turned our lightsabers off in a unison loud bzzzt, followed by the star wars theme and the cheering of hundreds gathered in one room. The movie lasted less than I would have expected. I would have wanted a three hour movie, but that would just have been too much luck. Two days after I returned to the very same complex and Got in line at 10am. Two other guys were already there, believe it or not we all had lightsabers with us. They had blue ones, I had a green one. At some point another guy arrived, but he sat far away from us. We talked about the original films, I talked about the premier, and then we learned why the other guy sated away from us, he was the first in line for the 8:00pm screening and he was going to buy tickets for like 80 people or so. He was recognized by a guy that had just arrived.... I'll never forget their conversation:

1st guy: Hey..I know you. You were at the London premier
2nd guy: Yes I was, I also made it to the Sydney and New York premiers
1st guy: Really? I was in New York, didn't see you there, listen I'm gonna grab a bite, care to join me? I'll buy...
2nd guy: ok, yes....

Geeky frindship, gotta love it.

After that, people started to arrive, and among them, He arrived too...The Sith Lord himself...Lord Darth Vader...age 5. With a lightsaber taller than him. But it was The Dark lord, I know it because his father videotaped us with him. It was cool. And then, the same thing happened, after two hours the moment faded. And just stood in my mind, and after six long years, it's here, on my blog, for you can be a a part of it with me, one more time.


miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Countdown to 1000

So, as I told you on my last entry, I'm trying to reach 1000 comic books, so here are the first 13 comics that will start the countdown.
start with the special 5 edition pack of Green
Lanterns I found on a news stand.
The issues it contents are:
Green Lantern Zero Hour, when Kyle Rayner fights Hal Jordan in OA and Hal makes Oa explode.

I already had this issue, I've had it since 1995 I
believe, it has great value to me because, back then my younger brother also read comics, and he was the one who got this issue. Then we have Esmerald Knights, Im not sure if it was called tha
t way back in the States, sometimes editorial houses in México add new names to the stories to make them more attractive to mexican readers, this issue includes Green lantern 101 when Kyle comes back from Hal's past, and Hal is sent to the future because Siniestro interferes with Kyle's time travel. We have them in two volumes of 96 pages each. They are comics number 802,803 and 804. Let's keep
going on. We have another couple of Green Lantern's in Mexico the ser
ies was call
ed "fire baptism" again, not sure if it was
called like that originally, and holds the story line of Kyle Rayner trying to find out what it means to be a hero, and how can he become one, so h
e can be worthy of the name Green Lantern.
Also featured in a two 96 paged issue, which will become 805 and 806 of my collection. I must confess that this is the first time I read this many Green Lantern comics, specially after I was told that War of the Green

Lanterns was so great, that's how we reach new comics in this blog Green Lantern 63 Prologue to War of the Green Lanterns, is my 807th comic book, Now, I will stop giving out the content of the next issues because they are the latest on sale, well this one came out on april this year, but still is newer than my five previous ones, as well as Green Lantern 66 part seven of the same War. which is #808.

Wow, so many comics, we are halfway down this road, let`s talk about fear itself, so I have #809 Fear Itself the home front part two of seven, Fear Itself Spider Man one of three #810, Fear Itself Journey into mystery 624 will be my #
811, for number 812 I have Fear Itself Avengers 13, Fear Itself The Invincible Iron Man is number 813.

And, this will be another oldie for you, but is the latest here in Mexico, X-Men: Second Arrival part 9 is my number 814th comic book.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

1000 comics

Well, yesterday, while I was checking my comic book shelf I noticed that I already have 801 comic books. And I asked myself, How long will I take to reach one thousand?

So, as of this week, I'm going to post on this blog, pictures and numbers of the comic books I purchase so that everybody can see how long I take to reach one thousand.

What am I going to do with them, absolutely nothing, each of those comics represent something special to me, like my Batman 500, which was given to me by my older brother on a saturday morning I accompanied him to buy a new wireless phone. Or my Spectacular Spider-Man 533 that my grand mother gave to me as a surprise one afternoon I arrived from school, there she was, holding the comic, she remembered I liked Spider-Man my 88 year old Granny remembered that and got it for me.

An like those two, I have 801 memories, good and bad around my comics. There's a STAR-WARS Tales I purchased the day my ex-girlfriend dumped me, or The Amazing Spider-Mans I got while taking care of my Granny during her last year of life. Actually, I think my first hundred were all purchased by my Granny. So, I want to make you al part of the road to 1000 comics.


martes, 17 de mayo de 2011


Back in 1997, when I was 14 years old, there was not such a thing as a Comic book reading girl at my Junior High. Even in Highschool, I spent about one and a half year to find a friend who liked comics.

Thank God times have changed

Nowadays, women have taken a BIG role in the comic book industry. Every time I open my Twitter account I smile with the names @ComixBookGurl, @gimpnelly, @pseudicide, @elizabethamber, @girly_nerds (The first two of them my favorites) and if you browse the web you'll find a starwars fan club completely followed by women, how cool is that, (not to mention sexy).

If I knew that girls would become such great fans fourteen years after my first comic convention, and my initiation in comics, I wouldn't have belived it. But once mere thank God they have. And most of them are cuuute (for cuteness and cute girls in twitter, follow every girl mentioned on the previous paragraph).

I love Life, I love comics and I love girls who read comics.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Robert Downet Jr. in a comic book store

Que verguenza!!

El día de hoy, la entrada no hablará de comic's, el día de hoy haremos una queja social.

En unos minutos se jugará el partido entre Pumas y Chivas en el Estadio Olímpico Universitario.
Con motivo del juego el periódico Reforma publicó una nota respecto a la situación que viven las autoridades de la delegación Coyoacán (DF) y las autoridades Universitarias con los miembros de la porra de los Pumas "La Rebel". Quien se ha convertido en la proovedora oficial de cerveza afuera del estadio en la entrada B de CU, y ha amenazado a ambas autoridades que de ser removidos de ahí, ampliarán su área de venta alrededor del estadio.

La semana pasada méxico vivió una marcha que le exigía a las autoridades mexicanas una mayor seguridad para el pueblo de México, porque nuestras autoridades se han olvidado del pueblo. Pero, parece que el pueblo también ha olvidado el respeto a nuestras autoridades. ¿Quiénes son los miembros de "La Rebel" que pueden exigirle a la delegación que los deje en paz o si no.... ? ¿Y porqué las autoridades les permiten hacer eso? ¿Por miedo? ¿Porqué la autoridad tanto universitaria como delegacional le teme a un grupo que su única función debe ser animar a un equipo en una justa deportiva? La Rebel es una porra, simplemente es eso.

Pero esto no se queda sólo con la porra azul y oro. La Universidad, Máxima Casa de estudios de México y Patrimonio Mundial, se está convirtiendo en un mercado por culpa de vendedores ambulantes que no quieren salirse de los terrenos universitarios "porque los obtuvieron en la Huelga de 1999 (Reforma 14 de Mayo 2011 primera plana).

No señores, es vergonzoso, exigimos a las autoridades de México en todos los niveles que hagan su trabajo y nsostros no la respetamos. y digo nosotros porque también somos parte del problema, yo lo soy cuando no deposito la basura en su lugar, cuando me paso el alto y digo, me vale el poli y le doy $200.00 para que no me infraccione. No, no, no. Yo no quiero ver a mi Universidad convertida en un mercado. Dr. Narro, que está haciendo Ud. para evitar que los ambulantes invadan la UNAM, que hace por evitar que "La Rebel" se sienta Al Capone y comercie alcohol afuera del estadio sin licencia para venderlo? Y Qué hacemos nosotros los Universitarios que lo permitimos también. Yo me quejo...y pido a otras personas que lo hagan también.

Orgullosamente UNAM.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Is there a comic book you held the dearest?

I've collected comic books for years. I have lot's of them, and I like them all. But, there is always a comic book that you like more than the others. For me It's Spider-Man 1 by Todd McFarlane.

The first time I heard about Todd, was in mexican comic convention Mecyf. Todd was invited to the convention and his Spawn comic book was given to every assistant as a gift. The comic had a biography of Todd's life in the first 9 or 10 issues. That's when he became my favorite artist, and I've remained true to Todd's work since. So in 1997 I started looking for every single comic drawn by him. It's been hard, so hard that I was able to get Spider-Man 1 about five years ago. It's the jewel of my collection. Next to my complete Knight Fall,Night Quest and Knights End collection.

What's your dearest comic book?

FREE COMIC BOOK DAY (english version at the bottom)

El día de

ayer se celebró mundialmente el día del comic gratuito. La primera vez que yo supe de este evento fue en el año 2006. Aún existía la matriz de Comicastle en plaza trico y ahí pude adquirir mi comic gratuito junto con algunos más que compré.

Esa mañana de mayo de 2006, habíamos tres personas afuera de la tienda haciendo fila para recoger nuestros comics, TRES!! A las 10 am que abrió la tienda, quizas llegamos a la gran cantidad de 10 personas. Porqué llegamos tan pocas personas, no lo sé. Me pregunté en esos momentos si el fanatismo por los comics en México habría decaido.

El día de ayer fue distinto, llegué a las 9:40am a Fantástico comics, y nuevamente no habíamos muchos, fui el quinto en llegar. Pero a las 9:50, ya había otras 5 personas atrás de mí. Alguien dijo que la tienda abriría no a las 10, sino a las 10:15 o después, ya que el Día del comic gratuito, llama a muchas personas.... ¿Será cierto? me pregunté...

A las 10:06 minutos, me di cuenta que era cierto, llegaron alrededor de 50 personas en ese momento, y más seguián llegando, ni siquiera podías caminar por la tienda de comics.

Salí casi a las 11:00am, se que suena rápido una hora, pero tomé mis comics (el que puede ver en la foto) y compré otros más, Haunt 4, Haunt 15, War of the Green Lanterns 1, y fui a la caja... donde pasé casi media hora de pie, sin oder avanzar, había demasiada gente comprando comics.


Los comics en México siguen generando fans y por lo que veo no nos irémos a ningún lado, el mes que entra tendrémos dos convenciones de comics enormes, casi del tamaño de la Comicon de San Diego, más junio y octubre tendrán las convenciones semestrales La Mole y la TNT...

Que felicidad!!!

Yesterday the Free Comic Book Day was celebrated world wide. The first time I heard of this event was back in 2006. Comicastle (a mexican comicbook store) still existed in Plaza Trico, there I was able to get my free comic, and i purchased a couple more.
That morning of may, we where only three persons outside, THREE!!! At 10 am, when the store opened, I'm sure we where probably 10 persons getting our free comics. Why where we so few?
I thought that mexican fans where disappearing.

Yesterday it was different, I arrived at 9:40 am at Fantástico comics and there were already a few making a line, we were still few, I was the fifth. By 9:50 there were alredy another five behind me, somebody said that, the store will not open at 10, but at 10:15 or later, because free comic book day attracts lot's of fans...Could that be true? I wondered...

At 10:06 when the store opened, 50 guys arrived from nowhere, and more kept coming
We couldn't even walk inside the store.
I walked out the store at 11:00 am, one hour inside the store, but.. I just got my free comic (the one posted on the pic above) and some others Haunt 4,15 , War of the Green Lanterns 1 and walked towards the register, where I spent almost 45 minutes


Comic's in Mexico keep making fans and we are not going anywhere, next month we will be hosting Two comic book conventions the size of the San Diego ComiCon, plus July and October will bring their semestral comic conventions La Mole and TNT.

I'm so happy

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

El día de ayer se estrenó en México una de las películas de superhéroes más esperadas, THOR, basada en el comic de Marvel del mismo nombre.

Esta será la penúltima entrega de Marvel, antes de estrenar la ya también esperada y apenas con una semana en producción The Avengers. Es de esperarse que Thor, no defraude a sus seguidores, ya que con excepción de Hulk, las adaptaciones que ha realizado Marvel Enterprises han sido muy buenas, incluyendo la no muy publicitada Ghost Rider, con Nicolas Cage y la hermosa Eva Méndez.

Los twitteros que ya tuvieron oportunidad de verla, aprueban la producción, ojalá los teaser trailers no mientan, pero solo al ver la película sabremos si Marvel nuevamente superará a DC o si será un empate, como con Superman Returns, y X-Men 3, ambas películas que, personalmente, me dejaron un mal sabor de boca.

En fin, an un rato más iré a ver THOR y publicaré mis comentarios regresando de verla.


miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Fourteen years ago

Yesterday I wrote my first entry in this blog. It was a memory of mine, about the first comic convention I went to in mexico City, called Mecyf (Mexico's Science fiction and Fantasy Convention.) Nowadays Mexico celebrates two conventions every year, the CONQUE and the TNT. Each of them are celebrated twice a year. But they are 90% anime conventions, leaving the comic book industry a 10% of importance. The Mecyf convention, celebrated from 1995 to 1998 was the mexican San Diego Comicon, we even had Todd McFarlane, Jon Bogdanov and Denis O'Neil as guests here, hell Kal-El Bogdanov celebrated his birthday during the 1998 Mecyf.

Great days.... Are those days coming back for Mexico city? I belive they are, yesterday I mentiones that next June we will be celebrating the very first mexican Comicon, I was very excited, but now I am even more excited, because, we are having not one but two new comic book conventions in Mexico. @ExpocomicMX

This two comic conventions will be competing against each other, and obviously against the older CONQUE and TNT to become Mexico's #1. I hope this is the beginning of a new comic book era in Mexico, because we need more comics.

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Hace 14 años

Hace ya catorce años que Todd McFarlane pisó tierras mexicanas y La Guerra de las Galaxias se reexhibía en México.

Recuerdo con claridad esos días porque fueron los días en los que asistí a mi primera convención de Comics, la Mecyf 97. Patrocinada por Grupo Editorial Vid, la Mecyf contó con cuatro ediciones, 1995,96,97 y 98. Y fue, a mi parecer, la mejor convención de comics que se ha realizado en México.

Estoy de acuerdo que la CONQUE y la TNT, han mantenido en el público mexicano el gusto por los comics y la ciencia ficción, pero ninguna de las dos ha alcanzado a la Mecyf, en organización, en calidad de productos a la venta, lease comics, mangas,anime,juguetes, así como, áreas para ver películas, jugar juegos de ROL,MAGIC, incluso áreas para leer tus comics.

Y que decir de los artístas invitados, la Mecyf 98 tuvo un gran despliegue de figuras del medio, Denis O'neil, editor de Batman, Jon Bogdanov, dibujante de Superman. En fin, eran otros tiempos.

Tiempos que me pregunto si volveran, ya que el día de ayer descubrí qie el WTC volverá a ser la sede de una convención de comics, LA COMICON DE MÉXICO, simplemente escuchar el nombre es genial.

Pero, ¿tendrá verdaderamente lo necesario para superar a la antaña Mecyf?

Esperemos que sea así, México ha esperado catorce años por una convención decente. Tengo mis esperanzas puestas en la Comicon de este 2011.