domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Is there a comic book you held the dearest?

I've collected comic books for years. I have lot's of them, and I like them all. But, there is always a comic book that you like more than the others. For me It's Spider-Man 1 by Todd McFarlane.

The first time I heard about Todd, was in mexican comic convention Mecyf. Todd was invited to the convention and his Spawn comic book was given to every assistant as a gift. The comic had a biography of Todd's life in the first 9 or 10 issues. That's when he became my favorite artist, and I've remained true to Todd's work since. So in 1997 I started looking for every single comic drawn by him. It's been hard, so hard that I was able to get Spider-Man 1 about five years ago. It's the jewel of my collection. Next to my complete Knight Fall,Night Quest and Knights End collection.

What's your dearest comic book?

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